League Rules

The Game

1.1 Each game shall consist of a maximum of twenty, six ball overs, per innings per team, with no bowler allowed to bowl more than five overs.

1.2 The first two games and any August matches shall be a 6.00pm start all other matches shall start at 6.30 unless both sides agree to an earlier start. Matches delayed because of rain must start by 7.00pm.

1.3 Matches that start at 7.00pm shall consist of sixteen, six ball overs, per innings per team, with no bowler bowling more than four overs.

1.4 Once a match has started, there can be no alteration to the number of overs.

1.5 Bowlers run ups will be limited to 10 yards. Bowlers exceeding this will be ”No balled“. A line must be drawn on the outfield to notify the start of the run up.

1.6 Teams who forfeit fixtures will have 5 points deducted and the Secretary must be informed by the defaulting team failure to do so £5.00 fine.

1.7 If a team fails to appear 10 minutes before the start time they will forfeit the toss.

1.8 Pink balls are permitted but if they are used they must be available for the whole of the game.

1.9 In Division 1, 2, 3 and A.H. Cup games there must be a 30 yard inner ring, where at least 6 players including the bowler and wicketkeeper must be within it for the entire match.


2.1 All league games to be played on the specified date, this can only be changed with permission of the League Secretary and the agreement of the opposition this must be done at least 10 days before the fixture.

2.2 On match days if both teams arrive at the ground and the weather deteriates and a normal start time cannot go ahead both teams must wait 30 minutes before cancelling the fixture, if the game can go ahead every effort should be made to do so. In a dispute over whether the pitch is fit / safe for play the home side will have the final say.

2.3 If the game cannot be played due to the playing conditions, (rain / unfit pitch) both sides will get 2 points each. If the game is abandoned both sides will get 2 points plus the bonus points they have achieved. The duration of the game can be reduced to 16 overs if both sides agree it cannot be reduced to anything less. Switching venues to enable games to be played will be allowed.

2.4 Cup Fixtures. One replay date only, this to be the following Tuesday of the original date or on a specified Wednesday. If the playing conditions mean no game can be played a result must be obtained by either bowling at a set of stumps or a toss of coin. If switching venues means a game can be played this will be allowed.

2.5 Bowl off rules. Five bowlers from each side to deliver two balls each at an unguarded wicket (three stumps). If each team has hit the same number of wickets after the first five bowlers per side, the bowling continues and is decided by sudden death.

2.6 If a team withdraws before the start of the season, the league committee reserves the right to re-structure the divisions so that there are equal cricket-playing opportunities for all divisions.

2.7 Any team that concedes 3 league matches will be removed from the league and their results be deemed void.

Player Registration

3.1 Player registrations are continuous and players are registered for a club until they are de-registered by that club. Maximum of 50 registered players per team. 70 if you run two sides.

3.2 Clubs with second teams must nominate four first team players that will not play for the second team.

3.3 Players will be allowed one transfer of clubs per season. No transfers to take place after June 1st. The player must be de- registered by the Secretary / Captain of their current team by informing the League Secretary before they can be registered for a new team, the league Secretary will then register them for their new clubs.

3.4 All players must be registered before they can play. Players can be registered by phone, E-mail or Text to the Secretary.

3.5 Any team fielding an unregistered player or banned will loose the match, be deducted 5 points and fined £5.00.

Results System and Score cards.

4.1 In cup games, in the event of both sides scoring the same number of runs, the side losing the fewer wickets shall be the winner. If still equal the team which has the highest number of runs at the end of the last but one over of its innings will be the winner.

4.2 In league games, wickets will not count, in the event of the scores being the same the match will be deemed a tie.

4.3 The winning side will be awarded 20 points.

4.4 In the event of a tie, both sides will receive 15 points.

4.5 The losing side will be awarded points as follows:

A) Batting Points (20 over matches) 1 Point at 25 runs plus a further 1 point for additional 25 runs to a maximum of 5 points (i.e. 5 points for 125 runs and above).

B) Batting points (16 over matches) 1 Point at 20 runs plus a further 1 point for additional 20 runs to a maximum of 5 points (i.e. 5 points for 100 runs).

C) Bowling Points 1 point at the fall of the 2nd10th wicket, making a maximum of 5 points. This applies for 20 and 16 over matches.

If the winning side declares its innings, the losing side will get 5 bowling points.

4.6 The Secretary must be informed of all match results before 9.30 pm on the day of the match. The home team must send in the result card to the League secretary.  Both sides must give full names of the players who played in the match. Match results can be text prior to the card being emailed in.

4.7 Late result cards or no / text / e-mail result , not informing of cancelled game will mean a £10.00 fine and failure to submit a result card a £15.00 fine. (A late result card must reach the secretary 3 days after the fixture or it will be deemed as No result card.)

4.8 Incomplete result card will result in a £5.00 fine.

League Structure

5.1 The number of teams in Divisions 1 and 2 will not exceed 8.

5.2 The league will have the right to promote or relegate any of the top or bottom three sides in each division if divisional restructuring is needed.

5.3 In the event of teams finishing with equal points, the side with the greater number of wins will be the higher placed team. If the teams are also level on winning games, the side with the greater number of batting bonus points will be the higher placed team. If the teams are still level and League Title or promotion at stake a play- off will take place at a neutral ground.

5.4 Two teams up and two teams down promotion and relegation for all divisions.


6.1 The league will have an Annual General Meeting to be held in Late January or Early February, all teams will be notified by post / E-mail.

6.2 All clubs must attend meetings; clubs not attending will be fined £30.00.

6.3 The committee has the power to alter rules during the season if required to assist in the smooth running of the League.

6.4 All clubs must register for the following season by December 1st and pay the current registration fee by that date. Late registration will mean a £5.00 added to the registration fee but could mean registration rejected by the League.

6.5 Club contacts must be given to the League Secretary by January 20th latest, £10.00 fine for all who fail to do so, all clubs must have a least two contacts.

6.6 All fines should be paid direct into the leagues account. All fines must be paid within 7 days of the notification date, failure to do so will result in a 5 point deduction and a further 7 days after that the fine will be doubled and the team suspended until it is paid.

6.7 Any proposals to rule changes must be made in writing and sent to the League secretary by December 1st, these will be discussed at the following A.G.M.

6.8 Any complaint from a club should be made in writing by the Club Secretary or Team Captain and sent to the League Secretary or League Chairman, and the complaint will be dealt with within 14 days. The complaint will be dealt by the annually elected committee which will consist of the Officers of the League and Club reps.

6.9 An annual subscription of £40.00* will be payable to the League Treasurer or Secretary before December 1st  failure to pay by this date  will result in an additional £5.00 being added to the subscription. (* Reviewed at A.G.M,s increases to be implemented for the following season).

6.10 All Shields and Cups must be returned to the League Secretary by June 20th. Failure to do so will result in a £20.00 fine and £10.00 for each week late. All trophies should be returned clean and in a good condition, Trophies returned damaged or in poor condition will be fined the cost of the repair. All league trophies remain the property of the league and cannot be won outright.

6.11 All clubs must adopt the ECB child protection guidelines as laid down in the ECB directive ”Child protection awareness and procedures for adults involved in cricket for children and young people.“

6.12 All matches must be played on grass.

6.13 Filming of matches is not allowed by players or supporters.

6.14 Scoreboards are to be updated at the end of each over.  If there is a discrepancy, then the “on field accountant” will query the total before the next over starts. The match does not re start until this is settled.


7.1 Clubs are responsible for the conduct of their players and supporters. Failure to control players / supporters in the correct manor on the field of play could result in the following, a club / player fine, bans from playing or expulsion from the league for the player or club.  The committee will deal with all cases; player(s) and club will have the right for a personal hearing.

7.2 Any conduct complaints must be e-mailed to the League’s Welfare and discipline Officer and signed by the Club Secretary, team captain and any witnesses who will be willing to give evidence, within 3 days of the incident. This will then be processed by the discipline officer and when reports from all parties have been received the committee will meet and discuss the issue. Reports required by the discipline officer must be completed within 3 days of the request, failure to do so could result in suspension for player or club. The final decision will be made by the committee which may ask for further information before reaching a decision. Clubs / players might well be suspended until a decision has been made. A club that is suspended will forfeit any matches due to be played in that period.